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  Source: Wardheernews Quluub wada jirtaa qaran dhista October 1, 2024 W/Q Xasan Yuusuf  Waal Beyd ku jira Gabayga Xumaanta Qabyaaladda ee uu tiriyay AUN Cabdullaahi Suldaan ‘Timacadde’ ayaa oranaya “Qof qalbi la’ quraan kii u akhriyey qaaf dheh ku harraadye”. Waxaa xaalad halis ah ku sugan oo  qarka u saaran ba’ iyo baabba’ sowraca qaranimo iyo jiritaanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Nasiibdarro, wacyiga maanta jira awgiis, laguma baraarugsana ilwaad xumadaa iffaysa! Haddaba  si loo badbaado, waxaan la huri karin in la joogteeyo wax-is-dhacsiinta iyo wacyi-galinta bulshada! Dal waxaa dibudhiga dawlad xumo iyo diktatoornimo, waxaa dumiya dirir sokeeye iyo duulaan shisheeye, waxaa degganaansho u diida adoonsi dadban (faqri, faragalin shisheeye, fowdo, iwm), iyo dadkiisoo is diidan ,waxaa dibudhisa hogaamiye himilo durugsan leh iyo dadkiisoo isku duuban. Haddaba, marka aad tilmaamahan la xiriiriso darxummada iyo dayaca ay dadkeenu la il’daran yihiin iyo haddimada dalkeena laga galayo waxaad si
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How ready is Somalia for EAC membership?

Somalia, with its current challenges, stands to lose more than gain from joining the East African Community (EAC). The move seems driven by the elite, risking further political polarization in the nation Source: Daily Sabah By Hassan Yuusuf Waal After two previous failed attempts in 2012 and 2019, Somalia finally became a member of the East African Community (EAC) on Nov. 24, bringing the number of member states to eight. It joins Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud called it a "beacon of hope" for Somalia, but it sparked fury and public debate among Somali people.   Despite all the criticism thrown at Africa’s integration efforts, the EAC is widely regarded as a successful regional bloc. EAC launched a Custom Union (A free-trade zone with common tariffs) in 2005. It also achieved the milestone of establishing a Common Market (free movement of resources) in 2010. EAC is makin

Somalia's drought crisis needs lasting solutions

From data to experts, there are several indicators calling for Somalia to act quickly to tackle the growing drought crisis at home Source: Daily Sabah By Hassan Yuusuf Waal In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Somalia is suffering one of the worst droughts in a generation after three successive poor rainy seasons and harvests. The food shortage has reached crisis proportions in the country and an unrelenting surge in food prices is fueling inflation. According to the U.N., “the drought could leave 4.6 million people without enough food by May 2022.”   When drought strikes Somalia, many people recall the horror of the 2011-2012 famine. The death toll was staggering. An estimated 258,000 people, half of them children, lost their lives during that period. But is nature the main culprit for Somalia’s famine?   Drought is a natural and worldwide recurring phenomenon that can have detrimental effects on communities and environments. Recurrent drought has threatened millions

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Rethinking electoral process in Somalia by Hassan Yuusuf Waal

  JAN 07, 2022 - 12:05 AM GMT+3  Source: daily Sabah Somalia was the  first African country  to have direct universal suffrage. Multiparty elections were held in the country in 1964 and 1967. Since then, the country’s political systems and structure quickly moved toward a winner-takes-all system. From 1969 to 1976, Somalia was under the rule of a military oligarchy. From 1976 to 1991, it was a one-party system dictatorship under the guise of a socialist progressive society. Today, Somalia has a parliamentary federal system of government. The Parliament representatives and the president are elected through indirect elections –  a complex clan-based model  that privileges so-called majority clans and is susceptible to voting manipulation. In 2013, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) launched "Vision 2016," which aims for the adoption of a permanent constitution and reforming the electoral system to allow direct national elections. All efforts at achieving this vision have c