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Showing posts from 2019

Hassan Yuusuf Waal iyo wadaniyada

Shirweynihii onlf London 2019, Xasan Yusufwaal

Cabdullaahi Xaaji iyo Barnaamijka Hodantinimadda Afka Hooyo

Barnaamijka Hodantinimada Afka hooyo

Jubaland: Kenya’s last desperate throw of the dice ahead of ICJ court ruling

By  HASSAN YUUSUFWAAL The Indian Ocean maritime boundary dispute between Somalia and Kenya has reached a new level of intensity. While Somalia is holding out an olive branch to de-escalate the spat Kenya has actually added fuel to the fire. On February, 17 2019, Kenya expelled Somalia’s ambassador to Kenya and recalled its ambassador to Mogadishu. On May 21 2019 Kenya detained and confiscated the passports of Somali ministers and MPs who were entering in Kenya. On May 29, 2019 Kenya banned cargo goods from Somalia and ordered all the planes from Somalia to be diverted to Wajir county airport for security checks. The motive behind Kenya’s unfortunate actions is to pressure Somalia to abandon a case submitted to International Court of Justice by Somalia. In 2014 Somalia took the matter to ICJ to settle maritime dispute between her and its neighbour after several attempts of alternative dispute resolution had failed. According to an article published by Reuters Kenya ...

The black stuff is a catalyst for Somalia’s economic aspirations

By HASSAN YUUSUFWAAL Many studies point out that Somalia has oil and gas reserves in both onshore and offshore worth extracting. At a conservative estimate, offshore deposits could stand at over 100 billion barrels. Agip (now known as Eni) and Sinclair Oil Corporation started the oil exploration in Somalia in 1950s. From then on   a number of major oil companies were given licences to further explore. These efforts were disrupted as Somalia plunged into civil war in 1991.  However, the recent oil discoveries in Mozambique and Tanzania and a new seismic data collected from offshore Somalia by the seismic services company Spectrum has brought an influx of oil companies into Somalia. Companies lured into these new developments include Shell and ExxonMobil who held exploration concessions before the collapse of Siad Barre’s regime in 1991. They declared force majeure ( when contractual obligations are not met due to disruptive events ) after the country descend...

Barnaamijka hodantinimada afka soomaaliga

Gardarada Kenya.... Xasan Yusufwaal

Aragtida Majaxaabinta Mabda’ a Kudhisan(ideological subversion) iyo sidda dalkeena loo dumiyay W/Q Xasan Yuusufwaal

Ma la ama-kaagtay madhamaatooyinka iyo mushkiladaha wejiyada cusub leh ee maalin walba ka dhaca dalkeena! Ma is-weydiisaa meeye, taloow madhamaadeen maqaawiirtii iyo dadkii maskaxda lahaa! Iyo weydiimo kuwaa la mid ah oo baddan. Haddaba kugu keligaa ma’aha,  waa weydiimo wareer-galiyay culimadda darraaseesa khilaafaadka sokeeye, siddoo kalana walwel ku abuuray inta samaha jecel ee soomaaliyeed. Marka la qeexo dhibka ama laga faalloodo arrima loo-caalwaayay ee Soomaaliya, waxaa kaliya oo farta lagu fiiqaa is-af-garanwaaga ka jira soomaalida dhexdeeda. Khilaafka sokeeye ee Soomaalida waa qayb yar oo ka mid ah mushkilada guud. Waxaa ka weyn oo ayan ishu qaban, dooddana aan had iyo goor lagu darin faragalinta shisheeye. Haddaba wuxuu qoraalkan diirada saarayaa isagoo cugsanaya arigtada Majaxaabinta mabda’ a kudhisan (ideological subversion). Bal marka hore aaynu fahano aragtida Majaxaabinta mabda’ a kudhisan (ideological subversion) iyo waxa Yuuri Besminoof ka yiri. Yuuri Be...

Dilaaga Dahsoon

Sadex oo aan hagaagin waxba hagaagi maayaan! W/Q Xasan Yuusufwaal

                                                                                                  Nin geeliisa dhacaya looma dhicin karo Waxay hey’adda Tranasparent International todobaadkan guddihiisa   soo saartay warbixintii sanadlaha ahayd ee musuqmaasuqa dawladaha adduunka. Soomaaliya waxay mar kale gashay kaalinta koowaad oo ah dalka ugu musuqmaasuqa badan adduunka. Meel fayoow maleh musuqu wuxuu saameeyay xubin kasta oo hab-hismeedka dalka ah. Wuxuu noqday dhaqan aan la iskula yaabin.   Kala darranee, wuxuu si xun ugu habsaday sadex hey’adood oo halboole u ah hanaanka dawladnimo. Waxay kala yihiin: Golaha shacabka(sharci-dejiye), Ciidamada(sharci-illaaliye) iyo Maxkamadaha(sharci-ooge). Dib-udhaca iyo dulmiga mus...