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Maareynta damaca shisheeye: hawl u baahan kasmo cusub W/Q: Xasan Yuusuf Waal

Geesigu ma’ahan kan aan dareemin baqdinta balse waa midka ka adkaada baqdinta. Nelsan Mandela Wax qarsoon ma’aha danaha ay dawalado iyo shirkado shisheeye oo baddan ka leeyihiin Soomaaliya ha ahaato dhan dhaqaale, dhaqan iyo mid siyaadba. Soomaaliya waa dal hodan ah, leh ilo wax-soor oo dihan ama si buuxda aan looga faa’iideysan kuna taala meel aad muhiim u ah(bada cas, gacanka cadmeed, badweynta Hindiya). Sahamiye Richard Burton   wuxuu yiri   1855 tii“ Berbara waa   albaabka ugu muhiimsan ee laga galo Bada cas waana xudunta marinka Bariga Afrika ” Siddaas darteed Soomaaliya waxay noqotay goob marwalba soo-jiidata   faragalinta iyo damaca shisheeye. Faragalinta shisheeye waxaan u kala qaadayaa laba nooc: mid toos ah iyo mid dadban. Midda hore waxa ay salka ku haysaa dhulbalaarsi iyo is-adoonsi.   Faragalinta tooska ah waa iyada oo aan oggolaansho laga heysan dadka Soomaalida oo xoog dalka la’isaga soo golo lagana fushado wixii la doono. Waxaa ka m...

Geopolitical risks:Kenya and Somalia at impasse over miraa trade

  Hoos riix si aad maqaalka u aqrisato..

Rethinking electoral process in Somalia by Hassan Yuusuf Waal

  JAN 07, 2022 - 12:05 AM GMT+3  Source: daily Sabah Somalia was the  first African country  to have direct universal suffrage. Multiparty elections were held in the country in 1964 and 1967. Since then, the country’s political systems and structure quickly moved toward a winner-takes-all system. From 1969 to 1976, Somalia was under the rule of a military oligarchy. From 1976 to 1991, it was a one-party system dictatorship under the guise of a socialist progressive society. Today, Somalia has a parliamentary federal system of government. The Parliament representatives and the president are elected through indirect elections –  a complex clan-based model  that privileges so-called majority clans and is susceptible to voting manipulation. In 2013, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) launched "Vision 2016," which aims for the adoption of a permanent constitution and reforming the electoral system to allow direct national elections. All efforts at achieving...